by Dawn Tabobondung, Indigenous Seven Generations Program Coordinator
The sound of the Drum represents Mother Earth’s Heartbeat. Should you ever be around when someone is drumming, pay attention to your spirit and feel how it lifts you up. The connection is strong for Indigenous people of Turtle Island. There are many teachings of the Drum, whether it be the Big Drum or the Hand Drum. The beat of the Drum and the songs that are sung allows for us to connect to the Creator.
It was my pleasure to bring the teachings that I have received to the Foundation Year’s Grade 8 class in music with Mrs. Forster. I have to give thanks and acknowledge my teachers who have shared their teachings of the Drum to me. Although I am still learning and still have much to learn. I shared the teachings that I have retained in my heart and will continue to learn and listen when opportunities come my way, that will allow me to retain more knowledge of the Drum that will be added to my bundle.
Respect, one of our Grandfather Teachings applies to the Drum and the holder of the Drum. Should you have the opportunity to make one, treat the Drum with respect and care for it, give your Drum a blanket just as you would a baby to feel safe and secure.